Friday, July 13, 2012

Sh*t my girls say...And Do for that matter!

Sunday night while Carys was Google Sky Mapping on my phone she shouted
"Oh my gosh Mom,look it's the whole "Uterus"!
She obviously meant "Universe" but I still lost my ish right there.

Sleeping in until 11:00 undisturbed,awesome!Having a homemade chai tea and toasted bread with Nutella,even better.Reaching into the Brand New Nutella jar and realizing one of my girls ate half of the jar before I even woke up.....priceless.Yup,true story.

BaylieShaye keeps singing LMFAO Party Rock but all she remembers of the lyrics is "Everyday I'm shufflin".One of Carys' friends heard Bay singing and asked What's shuffling? Bay steps aside and proceeds to show her a Tap Shuffle! Whatever works.

While at the Carmel River,the girls were hunting for crawdad's.If you aren't familiar,they are little lobster like creatures that roam these parts,in our local rivers.In fact, the girls call them lobsters because crawdad makes no sense to them.I kinda see their point.They are yummy too,if you enjoy that sort of thing.Anyway,the girls thought they had finally found a LIVE one.Bay starts freaking out and says in hysterics,"It's alive,it's alive and not braindead"! Really,and how would you know if it WAS brain dead anyway,just curious kid?

And these Barbies show up,saved in my photo's,on my IPad these 3 were styled by you know who...Oh Bay Shaye,there are no words,only laughter.Which you bring so well.

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